I recently wrote a workout plan for a friend of mine, below is what I provided.
Use this program for about 6 weeks. Make sure you have 1-2 days to rest your muscles properly. Aim for 4-8 reps for each set and about 3 sets each. Sprinkle in ab and forearm workouts when you can and later on we will add in neck exercises.
Legend  💪 = Compound lift
Chest Day
- 💪 Incline Bench Press → Do this with a barbell. If someone is spotting you, slowly increase your weight 5lbs every week and make sure they’re helping you. The goal is to get your bones comfortable supporting the heavier weight.
- Chest Press → Use the machine and have proper form (watch this).
- Close Grip Underhand Raise → Save this for last, but make sure you’re not using your back or any other part of your body. Lower the weight until you have full control, and ensure you have the right angles and range of motion to ensure the chest is being worked on the entire time. Watch this to learn proper form.
Back & Shoulders Day
- 💪 Overhead Press → Make sure you wear a belt when you do this with a barbell. Watch this video for how to do this with proper form.
- Shoulder Press (Machine) → Watch this to learn proper form, and make sure you don’t drop it lower than 90 degrees. It’s going to feel like a short range of movement, that’s fine.
- Smith Machine Shoulder Shrug → Watch this for the traditional form.
- Leaning Smith MachineShoulder Shrug → This one is my favorite, it works wonders. If you also want to work out your upper back, do this while leaning forward a lot and try to lift it up as much as you can. That would require very little weight, even just the bar.
Notes: I personally don’t recommend doing deadlifts, though they count as a compound lift. I think the risk reward ratio doesn’t make sense, but if you feel strongly, then do them but make sure you do so safely and with proper gear like a belt and form.
Biceps & Triceps Day
- Preacher Curl → One armed preacher curls, as you’re doing this, think “mind over muscle” and put your entire mental attention on every strand of muscle and engage every part of it. Watch this for advice on form.
- Tricep Extension → Start with a flat bar on a cable to push down (watch this) and make sure you have proper form as shown in the video. Mentally focus on the part of the tricep that’s connected to your elbow. Then switch it for one to two finisher sets (your arms will hurt) with a rope attachment on the cable extensions (like this). However, do SUPER light weight like 5 or 10 lbs, and instead of holding it how this guy is, I want you to only hold the ball ends, and flare your elbows out (as if you’re using a jackhammer). Short motions, you’re going to feel this burn.
- Tricep Push Up → Do this on a bench as shown in this video, however I want your hands to be making a diamond so your thumbs touch each other and your fingers touch each other. Flare your triceps out and go down then push up. Doesn’t have to be all the way down, but if you hypothetically were, your forehead would touch the corner of the bench. This is the proper angle and you’ll feel the pressure immediately on your triceps. Again, you can go down 40 - 50% of the way.
Leg Day
- 💪 Squats → Regular barbell squats, don’t go heavy on the weights, just get proper form and reps in. When you have the barbells on your back, pretend you have crouched beneath a dining table in squat form and need to lift it without your hands – where you would center the table on the diamond part of your upper back beneath your neck, the way you would picture yourself angled and lifting it up, is the proper form for doing a barbell squat. If you’re stuck, let me know.
- Sissy Squats → You can do these at home and they’re great for really breaking down those muscles. Make sure you hold onto something as you do this. Watch this to learn how.
- Calf Raise → Seated calf raises work as well, just use light weight and focus one set on going all the way down and up to where your feet and leg make a 90 degree angle. Then another set where you start at the 90 degree angle and push up to where your feet and legs make an acute angle. Alternate these super sets.